Guerilla Drive-Ins

Outdoor Home Theater Digital Homes for Everyone

Dolores Park Movie Night

MobMov: A mobile movie guerilla drive-in in Berkeley, CA
What is the MobileMovie?
We are a grassroots movement aimed at bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, what used to be a dark and decrepit warehouse wall springs to life with the sublime sights and sounds of a big screen movie. Best of all, the MobMov is free.

Santa Cruz Guerilla Drive-In
Start Your Own Guerilla Drive-In
Guerilla Drive-Ins are springing up everywhere from LA to NY, in big cities and little towns. People are rejecting the idea of the $10 movie (twenty with popcorn and a soda) and embracing the idea of the do-it-yourself movie free to the community.

Guerilla Drive-Ins – Gizmodo
