5 thoughts on “cross paths on noordmarkt”

  1. Love the fixed position of the camera (they never noticed you!), and the way the frantic activity comes to the scene. And yes, the layers. We’re taken deeper into the image through the gap and on into the distance. Wonderful.

    Week 4. Oh god. I’ve not done mine yet. Soon…

  2. Yes! so simple and yet so complex….beautiful framing and very fine multi-layering… natural zooming, simultaneous gazes all in one. thanks for sharing! best, sam

  3. yes! beautifull piece. fine, simple framing and yet so complex in its multi-layered, simultaneous possibilities for unfolding the gaze. natural zooming… thanks for sharing. best, sam.

  4. ‘Tá muito bem apanhado, faz lembrar as coisas do Zbig em que as cenas se repetem e sobrepõem em espiral, com uma nova personagem a entrar em cada loop (por exemplo, o TANGO, vou ver se te encontro o filme).

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