All posts by zenuno

Jerónimo de Sousa desce o Chiado

Portuguese Presidential Elections in January 2006

What we see here is the Communist and Green Party Alliance (CDU) candidate, Jerónimo de Sousa, doing campaign on Chiado street, that is in downtown Lisbon.

This is my second video from that Presidential Election, the first one was about Mário Soares, the Socialist Party (PS) candidate – (my sole and unique video for videoblogging-week-2007).

It is like 5 mins long and tries to show you how the typical street political campaign works in Portugal.


— (in portuguese now) —

Presidenciais Portuguesas de Janeiro de 2006

O que vemos aqui é o candidato da aliança do Partido Comunista e dos Verdes (CDU), Jerónimo de Sousa, a fazer a sua campanha na descida do Chiado, na baixa de Lisboa.

Este é o meu segundo vídeo sobre as eleições presidenciais de 2006, o primeiro era sobre o Mário Soares, o candidato do Partido Socialista (PS) – (foi a minha única entrada na videoblogging-week-2007).

Este pequeno filme tem cerca de 5 minutos de duração e tenta mostrar como acontece a campanha política de rua em Portugal.

canal leaves

Today it was another day without anytime to do anything on our NaVloPoMo07. this images were recorded on saturday and here you have them.

I promise to try and do some editing and also because that is what i fear most, i always think my edited stuff loses rhythm and so i really have to try and educate and train myself this month, and i am sure the comments on that stuff should teach and make me improve it. 🙂

For now i have this moving picture and sound to offer, hope it is entertaining.

seagulls on the river tagus * lisbon, portugal

more seagulls this time i recorded them on lisbon on the dock. in this video i tried one trick called smoothcam, it was not so interesting in the first take, but it takes so much time to render that i am not going to turn off that filter on the first clip, the second benefits of the filter… bah. enough rumbling geek stuff.

i hope its more relaxing, especially after Robert Croma of yesterday that i just seen some minutes ago (“The Natural History Museum”).

I have lots of video to watch, sorry for that. i blame it on work. 😉