All posts by zenuno

Amanda Across America

Amanda Congdon is back and in my opinion is much better than it was before.

The way I see it, Rocketboom was a much more young cable tv type of program with the difference in the budget and the way it was broadcasted and received… And I am not saying that it wasn’t very important, it really made a turn-point in the way last mile broadcast can be done.

But now with this new Amanda Across America, you will have a lot more, because now the content and form is much more creative, different and experimental. I could say that also it is much more of a vlog than rocketboom ever was.

I hope to write more on this later…

for now I leave you with her new vlog / project!

amanda across america - and so, it begins.

| and so, it begins | Josh Wolf Behind Bars Again | the wiki | the map

ah ah, someone wrote about Amsterdam, Netherlands in the wiki already… 🙂

“true stories” ?!? or sad stories?

Today I read some things that really got to me, and this time aren’t about bush…


the first one is from UK and talks about people spitting in bus drivers face and DNA kits, or ‘spit kits’ as they call it!?!? got it in from boing boing – “London bus-drivers carrying DNA kits for catching face-spitters London bus-drivers are being equipped with DNA sample kits with which to capture spittle when irate passengers spit on them.”.


the second story is from USA and Hurricane Katrina… it seems that the guy, named Marc Morice, who saved same people with a boat, is being sued for using it without permission… 🙁
old story here and this story here (

From The Times Picayune, august 26, 2006, by Steve Ritea (

“I don’t know where we would be today if it weren’t for him,” Molly Gordon, Gordon’s wife of 65 years, said Friday.

The lawsuit contends that boat owner John M. Lyons Jr. suffered his own distress, in the form of “grief, mental anguish, embarrassment and suffering . . . due to the removal of the boat,” as well as its replacement costs.

Molly Gordon said she was baffled by the lawsuit.

“This man should be so grateful he had a boat that saved lives,” she said.

During a news conference at his Napoleon Avenue home Friday, Morice and his attorney, Joseph A. Marino III, displayed photographs and showed video Morice took in the neighborhood, which showed desperate high-water scenes accompanied by a bone-chilling soundtrack of screams and pounding, apparently from people trapped inside attics.

Lyons’ boat, an 18-foot, 1998-model 180 Sea Sport, was one of three Morice said he commandeered after water started rising in the neighborhood. Morice said one of the other boat owners told him he was glad Morice had been able to hot-wire his boat — Morice said he actually got instructions on how to do it from Yamaha customer service — and the other boat owner apparently has not complained.


And the last story is a old video from Jon Stewart Daily show (with Stephen Colbert) about some talking about the Prince Charles and whatever tabu sexual experience he had when was younger. video in just pure fun!


and also in my small local life some lowlife took my bike. argh!

I don’t get it why supposedly normal people still buys those ten euro stolen bicycles, do they really think they’re smarter than the rest of us?

If it’s about price, why don’t you buy them recycled 2nd hand as I do? I leave the site here for you – , I do think that 30-50 euros for a bike is a nice and honest price, don’t you?

two bushims in a row, after all this is the silly season

I am still reorganizing this blog/page, but until that is done, it seems it has been turned in a bush blog, I am sorry, there are days where I just can’t get enough.
I promise to be quick and have more interesting things to talk about…

the first one is from MSNBC and the title is “Is bush an idiot?

the part I feel is funny and strange / different is that I can not imagine this kind of talk in Europe…

the second one has the title “CNN reporter talk dirt on others at Bush katrina speech

I found those two in a friends blog (first, second), thanks Daniel!

the bush pilot

I am trying to restart my blog and vlog stuff. One of the reasons behind it is because i really like to share some very good stuff that I stumble/find on the net.

In this case when I revisited Mindcaster’s vlog, I found this great great video. This video is an interview, in german with english subtitles, with the nice guy, Schlutter, that pilot’s Bush…

(direct link to google)

Enjoy every moment of it!


YES! Em Adam e com 20/1 Mbps Internet! ;-)

agora sim estamos instalados, só falta trocar a camara de ar da minha querida bicicleta…

a vida é bela! e em breve este blog ficará mais actualizado e funcional de novo.

or in english:

YES! At Adam and with 20/1 Mbps Internet! 😉

now we are much better, I just have to change the “binnenband met blitzventiel” on my dear bicycle…

life is beautiful! and very soon we will have this blog in full motion and with lots of links and even videos.