All posts by zenuno

think different

This little story is funny but tell us a lot about the netherlands way of thinking.

I really like it, practicality and good sense doesn’t describe all of it.

I saw it in Expat Forums, but the news story is in ananova.

Couple had sex on police car

Dutch police have arrested a couple for having sex on the bonnet of their patrol car.

The couple, from Groningen, said they hadn’t noticed the two policemen sitting in the car.

One of the officers got out of the car and told the couple to stop what they were doing and leave.

The 25-year-old man was arrested after he refused and insulted the policeman, reports Het Laatste Nieuws.

His 33-year-old lover was also arrested after she tried to stop the car from taking her boyfriend away.

A police spokesman said: “The law doesn’t say you can’t make love on the bonnet of a police car.

“But the policemen have to be available for duty. If the two lovers had left when they were told, nothing would have happened.”

Ascii project in Amsterdam

I had already read something about the ascii project from the Internet, but now that I am trying to get to know more, it’s really getting more interesting.

for now I am just publishing some links:

ascii moves to the javastraat — Ascii

ASCII site (in english)

ASCII has a interesting translation “Amsterdam Subversive Center for Information Interchange”.

The project involves a place (in a squat), where you can use the internet, get to learn things about it, and there is lots of recycling, use and abuse of open source.

It’s a very nice project and I intend to learn much more and maybe try to help wherever I can.

I will listen to talk at the WTH – “Community wireless NL”, Wireless networks in Amsterdam and Leiden (Rudi Van Drunen, Jaap and Rop Gonggrijp), where there will be some talk about another very interesting project… – Amsterdam Network Collective – een draadloos (internet) netwerk in Amsterdam.

We will see.

to blog or not to blog… in english?

Hi, this time I am writing in english, and from now on there will be posts in portuguese and english, for the easy distinction we will have a category for the english written ones.

There will be more changes in ths blog. stay tuned!

(portuguese translation)

Olá, desta vez estou a escrever em inglês. e de agora em diante haverá estórias em português e inglês. e para ajudar a distinguir, foi criada uma categoria no blog, que permite distinguir as escritas em inglês.

Haverá mais mudanças neste blogue. não saia so seu lugar!


o vídeo “Era uma vez um Arrastão”

um vídeo de Diana Andringa

Dez de Junho, praia de Carcavelos. Muitos jovens juntam-se ao sol. Há tensão e insultos. Depois chegará a polícia. Às 20h, as televisões apresentam ao país “o arrastão”, um crime massivo, centenas de assaltantes negros, em pleno Dia de Portugal.

O noticiário torna-se narrativa apaixonada de um país de insegurança e “gangs”, terror e vigilância.
A maré engole vários testemunhos sobre uma inventona e o próprio desmentido policial da primeira versão dos incidentes.

“Era uma vez um arrastão” passa em revista um crime que nunca existiu, a atitude dos media perante uma história explosiva e as consequências políticas e sociais de uma notícia falsa. Antes que esta nova crise de pânico passe ao arquivo morto, é necessário inscrevê-la na história da manipulação de massas em Portugal.


vídeos disponíveis em banda larga – 256KB e em banda estreita – 64KB (ambos alojados no

Parabéns ao grupo da Andringa por este vídeo.

uma ideia interessante –

como muitas vezes quando estamos a navegar, tropeçamos em coisas muito interessantes…

desta vez cheguei à organização que é uma iniciativa que põe os próprios miúdos com as suas capacidades informáticas a cuidar e com responsabilidades na manutenção dos equipamentos informáticos das suas escolas… é uma ideia que inclui solidariedade, responsabilidade.

em suma parece-me bonito!

[ cheguei aqui pelo vlog da Ryanne’s Video Blog e especificamente uma entrada dela – What I did Yesterday. aí ficamos a conhecer um pouco o candidato Rasiej – Advocates for Rasiej » VideoBlog… ]

quem lê as nossas reclamações e desabafos sobre marcas e serviços?

Parece que algumas empresas estão a começar a “ler blogs” como parte dos seus estudos de mercado…

discussão no Slashdot | Marketers Scan Blogs For Brand Insights (artigo original do – Marketers Scan Blogs
For Brand Insights

numa entrada do slash podemos ler:

It’s been a maxim in customer service for a very long time that a single angry customer cancels out the effect of twenty (or insert some 10 thousands of happy customers, simply because so many people are using the Internet for research now. We had an issue with Acer lately, started a campaign, got some great positions on general Acer related keywords on Google (thanks to a blog), and even ran some Adwords slating them. Hopefully it lost them quite a few sales.

Likewise, I had an issue at a Travelodge motel, and they did not acknowledge my complaint at all. My story (on my blog) was picked up by a newspaper here in the UK and suddenly Travelodge were very apologetic. That said, Travelodge did a very good job of accomodating us, and my faith in them is very much renewed.

But, yes, blogs really amplify opinion, especially if it gets picked up by Google nicely 😉 (There was also the case of the lock company whose locks could be picked with a biro pen, they failed to rectify the situation, and the blogosphere hit them hard.)
(Peter Cooper).