Cinema ao ar livre, Cineclube de Tavira, cross posted to and translated here. Also posted on YouTube.
European Film Show – 11 a 20 de Julho
On these small video you can listen and see André Viane (in portuguese), the person behind Cineclube Tavira and he himself is the projectionist on the film showing at open air on Claustros do Convento do Carmo, in Tavira, Algarve, Portugal.
This European film show ends today with the film METROPOLIS de Fritz Lang, ALEMANHA 1927 acompanhado no piano “AO VIVO” por LUÍS CONCEIÇÃO / with “LIVE” piano score by LUÍS CONCEIÇÃO – M/6.
This one should be really great to watch!
… Later on the beginning of August there will be the Non European film show.
Creating the programme of the 2008 Film Shows was not an easy task. Every year our choice of films is partially determined by their availability on the national distribution market. During the past year, our distributors have considerably lowered their stakes on films from both Asian and South-American countries, not to mention African countries, whose cinema production is very rarely and often never screened in Portugal.
One of the results of this play safe policy is that the programme for the Non-European Film Show weighs heavily on the side of North-American productions. We have endeavoured to be as diverse as possible in our selection, whilst remaining faithful to our main criteria of choice, which are quality and sensitivity of treatment of the subject. We hope that our programme, and the ambiance created around it, will appeal to you!
My greetings to André Viane for organizing these events and also for having these small interview with me.
These small movie was recorded on my nokia e61i phone so i am sorry for the bad quality pictures on it. but i suppose that content can be more important.
As for what André Viane says in the video and very very briefly and not so accurate (sorry André):
He says that more people come to see the movies here on the summer open air shows than in the downtown cinema. He thinks that must be because of the good and balanced selection they make and also and mostly because of the ambience of these particular place.
The idea behind these open air projections also includes our common vision of “cinema paradiso” of Giuseppe Tornatore.
After that he tells us a small story the renovation of the place and that he is against the complete renovation of the open space, because it would spoil the magic.