Category Archives: navegar e preciso

Fátima 2000

For this NaVloPoMo experiment that we are doing, I really want to learn how to do the editing and get good pace and story telling. At the same time I intend to review some of my miniDV and HDV archive and explore that as a way to try new things with these old material. Most of these tapes were solely recorded and never played…

I went and fetched one and a “half” tapes of a visit I did to Fátima Sanctuary in Portugal, I have to say that I am not catholic and so I went to see what was the scene. It was on May 13th of 2000 and on those particular days the Pope John Paul II visited the place and told the third secret of Fátima.

I want to do some movies about this trip, but today is to late and so I leave you with just this, I recorded this minutes after getting there for the first time.

NaVloPoMo07 #14

Zeca Medeiros em homenagem a Zeca Afonso

Zeca Medeiros em… “Torna Viagem” em concerto no OndaJazz, em 5 de Outubro de 2007
com Paulo Borges (piano) e Gil Alves (percurssões, flauta e Glockenspiel)
e convidados especiais: Mariana Abrunheiro e João Domingos

Para quem estiver interessado em comprar o último disco do Zeca, ele pode ser encontrado nesta loja online (não tenho comissão, mas sou amigo do Zeca).

Vídeo | 2007/10/17 em ante-estreia no 5dias.