Category Archives: navegar e preciso

Portugal com boa onda no Slashdot

é verdade no Slashdot temos um artigo que alerta que Portugal vai ter a primeira exploração comercial de geração de energia pelas ondas…

“A Scottish company, Ocean Power Delivery (OPD) and it’s Norwegian backer, Norsk hydro are set install three wave powered generators 3.5 miles off the north coast of Portugal for the Portuguese renewable energy group Enersis. This will be the world’s first commercial wave powered generating system. Providing the initial three generators perform as expected, an additional thirty wave powered generators will be installed by the end of 2006. It’s estimated the wave powered generator farm will displace 6000 tonnes of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted from conventional electrical generating plants.”

o consumo de combustível, a poluição e a lógica não ambientalista… nos EUA

Podemos ler num artigo no NYT:

“The fuel economy of the average new vehicle sold fell to 20.7 miles a gallon in 2003 models from 22.1 miles a gallon in 1988 models. Regulations permit light trucks to consume significantly more gas than cars; the most recent Congressional effort to tighten the regulatory system was defeated in the Senate this week.”

é de facto triste que tenham aceite poluir mais com carros maiores, foi (ou é) uma moda triste.


Internet no comboio à boleia…

a mala que dá rede... :-)a estória curiosa de um pessoa que oferece rede sem fios durante a comutação diária que faz num comboio de Tacoma, Seattle nos EUA

nas palavras do próprio Casey Halverson membro da SeattleWireless:

TacomaTrainNode – SeattleWireless

Please note that this WiFi access point follows me wherever I go. I happen to ride the train to and from work, and while you may use it, it is not officially provided by SoundTransit? and not connected in any way. It is fully contained in this very mobile backpack.

artigo na SeattleWireless: Seattlest: Homebrew WiFi on Sounder Train

[ visto em Boing Boing: Free open WiFi on Tacoma-Washington train, courtesy WiFi hacker ]

BBC reinventada em remix appeal

a BBC mantêm esta capacidade de nos espantar e de abrir novos caminhos nos media institucionais… é engraçado ver uma empresa deste tamanho a tentar acompanhar ou reagir à presente ou futura cultura do remix da Creative Commons…

este novo projecto pode ser visto em: BBC Backstage :: Front Page ::

e está descrito assim nessa página:

Build what you want using BBC content is the BBC’s new developer network, providing content feeds for anyone to build with. Alternatively, share your ideas on new ways to use BBC content. This is your BBC. We want to help you play. is currently in beta as we add new feeds and APIs and develop the service further over the coming weeks and months. Join the email discussion list to tell us how we could improve the service and converse with others about BBC Backstage.

[ vi em Boing Boing: BBC Backstage: tools for remixing the Beeb to your spec ]

nota: ainda nesta linha do remix culture, encontrei e ainda estou a ler uma outra entrada muito interessante: ORG COMM: Documentary Remix Proposal: A Citizens Media Initiative.

um tiro que não devia ter acontecido

fotograma do vídeo do Kevin Sitesesta é a estória triste de um tiro que nunca deveria ter acontecido, que m%da de mundo este em que vivemos para estas e outras coisas acontecerem…


The U.S. Marine Corps announced that it won’t prosecute that Marine corporal, who was not identified, for his actions. Sites was on assignment for NBC on Nov. 13, 2004, and was following a squad into a mosque that the day before insurgents were using to fire on U.S. troops. The Marines were part of a U.S.-led offensive to clear Fallujah of its insurgent strongholds. Sites’ video shows five men wounded from the previous day’s fighting lying on the floor of the mosque. One Marine can be heard shouting to others that a man was only “playing dead.” The Marine corporal in question appears to fire a round from his weapon into the Iraqi’s head, and another Marine says, “Dead now.”

a estória completa e incluindo o vídeo desse momento está em:
Boing Boing: Fallujah mosque shooting video — unedited, for first time.

o breve pé de dança do george

Encontrei um breve vídeo em que o George Bush dá à anca, verdadeiramente genial!

a descrição que está nos comentários diz “tudo”:

… george starts off with a kind of a square dance – chicken dance kind of a move, and then lets his arms and hands go free, and he does a kind of modified conga-dance / line dance move. He moves a whole lot better than when he danced with Ricky Martin in January of 2001. In fact, he moved so well in Teblisi that methinks he must have tasted a bit of the finest Georgian vodka while enraging his pal Vlad the Imputiner.

a dança pode ser descarregada neste url: (536 KB)

[ encontrei neste blog giro: WFMU’s Beware of the Blog: Bring Me The Video of George’s Jig ]

um programa de rádio muito especial

vou ver se tenho tempo para ouvir um programa de rádio “She Be She Strike” (CBC Strike), que aconteceu aparentemente casualmente quando durante uma greve no pessoal da uma rádio, três esquimós puderam fazer a sua rádio como quiseram.

o resultado parece ter sido verdadeiramente original…

This half-hour long version of She Be She Strike contains all the great excerpts I posted earlier, from the Rolling Stones cover to the inexplicable Eskimo Marijuana segment. There’s more talking and singing over records, live in-studio music on the jews harp and guitar, a cover of Oh Susannah, an Eskimo skiffle number, Christian sprituals (!), and an incredible audio collage (which starts at the 25:40 mark) mixing Inuit throat singing games with a male Anglo singer whose voice I recognize but whose name eludes me.

a versão de 30 mins tem 28.4 MB mas parece valer a pena. as cassetes com esta emissão começaram a circular nos anos oitenta…, fico sem perceber bem, quando isto terá exactamente acontecido.

podem ver aqui.


[ visto no boingboing ]