Category Archives: open source

16 mins é quanto sobrevive o Windows ligado à Net!

Actualmente uma máquina com Windows acabado de instalar sobrevive mais ou menos 16 minutos quando exposta à “adversa” Internet… – Microsoft > Microsoft Names Almost 50 Apps That Require SP2 Tweaks > August 16, 2004.webloc” href=”″ target=”_blank”>artigo.

Podem consultar o guia (PDF 1.2Mb) que ajuda ao seu primeiro dia do Windows na Internet.

é complicada a sobrevivência do Windows no actual ecosistema que é a rede Internet… Mas já lá dizia o Darwin na sua teoria de sobrevivência das espécies que de facto só sobrevivem os mais dotados…


E viva o Unix!

O mundo no

O colossal arquivo Archive.orgThe Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.

Responsáveis também pelo FreeCache .

Exemplos dos vídeos em arquivo:

– Filmes Open Source, Open source movies are movies contributed by the community.

Mosaico, Mosaic features selections from daily TV news programs produced by national broadcasters throughout the Middle East. The news reports are presented unedited and translated, when necessary, into English.
Mosaic includes television news broadcasts from selected national and regional entities. Some of the broadcasters are state controlled and others are private networks, often affiliated with political factions. These news reports are regularly watched by 280 million people in 22 countries all over the Middle East.

– E até a MacWorld Boston 1988.