aqui está a imagem por satélite da cidade de Amsterdão no Google maps, pena ter tão pouca definição.
assim não veem como a cidade é linda! eheheh
tecnologia | technology
aqui está a imagem por satélite da cidade de Amsterdão no Google maps, pena ter tão pouca definição.
assim não veem como a cidade é linda! eheheh
Parece que algumas empresas estão a começar a “ler blogs” como parte dos seus estudos de mercado…
discussão no Slashdot | Marketers Scan Blogs For Brand Insights (artigo original do – Marketers Scan Blogs
For Brand Insights).
numa entrada do slash podemos ler:
It’s been a maxim in customer service for a very long time that a single angry customer cancels out the effect of twenty (or insert some 10 thousands of happy customers, simply because so many people are using the Internet for research now. We had an issue with Acer lately, started a campaign, got some great positions on general Acer related keywords on Google (thanks to a blog), and even ran some Adwords slating them. Hopefully it lost them quite a few sales.
Likewise, I had an issue at a Travelodge motel, and they did not acknowledge my complaint at all. My story (on my blog) was picked up by a newspaper here in the UK and suddenly Travelodge were very apologetic. That said, Travelodge did a very good job of accomodating us, and my faith in them is very much renewed.
But, yes, blogs really amplify opinion, especially if it gets picked up by Google nicely 😉 (There was also the case of the lock company whose locks could be picked with a biro pen, they failed to rectify the situation, and the blogosphere hit them hard.)
(Peter Cooper).
depois de ver este projecto só fiquei com pena que já agora não fosse VoIP e WiFi… 🙂
mas aqui têm um projecto minimamente detalhado de um telefone daqueles de plástico com os números em disco (rotary) e que na realidade é um telefone celular… – Spark Fun Electronics.
se desejado até pode ser comprado por quase 400 USD e podem desde já ver o manual de instruções em formato PDF.
Um artigo engraçado sobre como gerar algum dinheiro construindo software com alguma popularidade.
segundo o autor já dará para passar umas boas férias de verão. 🙂
estória no K5: GPL Programming: A Lucrative Hobby || : WWDC 2005 Keynote Coverage
and now “I bet” that Steve is going to present an ipod shuffle with 2GB or bigger (now that it already tested the interface and welcome), and we will have a video store itunes lookalike!!
no new cpus i am afraid…
let’s the game start!
oh, I forgot the ipod video off course…
maybe I should have bet in the tablet mac… 🙂
é verdade no Slashdot temos um artigo que alerta que Portugal vai ter a primeira exploração comercial de geração de energia pelas ondas…
“A Scottish company, Ocean Power Delivery (OPD) and it’s Norwegian backer, Norsk hydro are set install three wave powered generators 3.5 miles off the north coast of Portugal for the Portuguese renewable energy group Enersis. This will be the world’s first commercial wave powered generating system. Providing the initial three generators perform as expected, an additional thirty wave powered generators will be installed by the end of 2006. It’s estimated the wave powered generator farm will displace 6000 tonnes of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be emitted from conventional electrical generating plants.”
a estória curiosa de um pessoa que oferece rede sem fios durante a comutação diária que faz num comboio de Tacoma, Seattle nos EUA
nas palavras do próprio Casey Halverson membro da SeattleWireless:
TacomaTrainNode – SeattleWireless
Please note that this WiFi access point follows me wherever I go. I happen to ride the train to and from work, and while you may use it, it is not officially provided by SoundTransit? and not connected in any way. It is fully contained in this very mobile backpack.
artigo na SeattleWireless: Seattlest: Homebrew WiFi on Sounder Train
[ visto em Boing Boing: Free open WiFi on Tacoma-Washington train, courtesy WiFi hacker ]
no blog de um deputado conservador encontramos este post intitulado “Voting”:
“I hope this posts. Am blogging from my blackberry in the House where I have just voted for our non-confidence motion. The Libs are trying hard to play this down. They have two cabinet ministers out, Efford and Cotler. We’ll win, but they’ll claim it’s non confidence.
Pretty unhappy campers over there! They can’t believe that their iron-grip on power and pocketnooks might be loosed. Kilgour just voted with the Libs. Hmmm. 153 to 150. We win!“.
cá em portugal apesar do WiFi na Assembleia da República, de terem distribuído PDA’s, portáteis e até terem disponível um sistema para blogar…, ainda não dei porque ninguém publicasse no seu blog em directo da bancada.
[ visto no boingboing ]
li no blog boingboing, sobre o Grafedia, que tem a página em um conceito que reúne o clássico grafitti com os novos media (e-mail na internet).
Grafedia is a new form of multimedia graffiti developed by John Geraci, a student at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program, that transforms graffiti tags into hyperlinked tags for the real world. Grafedia is a word written on any physical surface that is linked to rich media content online. If you see a grafedia tag, you send an email message to that word “” and the related content is emailed to your mobile device, or anywhere else you receive mail.
saiu um artigo no NY Times :: “The Web Behind the Scrawl”, By ETHAN TODRAS-WHITEHILL (Published: May 4, 2005).
Boing Boing: Indy client now available for Macs, says Ian Clarke
Ian Clarke’s blog said:
Indy is a music discovery tool that was mentioned on BoingBoing recently (Boing Boing: Indy TV). As a result of that and other attention, one of the most common requests we received was for a Mac version of the Indy client. As a result we stepped up our development effort and are now pleased to release the first version of the Indy for Macs. We hope Mac users like it 🙂
muito muito giro.